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James B. Hunt

His art showings are madness. ‘One of the greatest things happening in the art world today.

Rather than being a part of the standard gallery process of a*s-rap*ng prospective buyers and artists alike – James prefers to give his works away in these crazed easter-egg hunts. He hides his works all over Tempe Arizona, and posts photos on his site as clues to the whereabouts of his artworks… which are free to whoever is resourceful and lucky enough to find them.

… Oh, and he also randomly broadcasts additional hints on CB radio.

This has been going on for a while, several years now I think… and it frustrates me to no end that I am never in Tempe Arizona when these happen; It seems the only way to acquire his works… well, the only way that involves no stalking or abductions.

If you are looking for additional clues – it is rumored that he also tattoos maps on the vital organs of abducted livestock, and if you have learned to read the code, additional clues are also available through the writings of Nostradamus or in centuries-old boxes of candied popcorn.

To read more about James, go here: James B Hunt

To read more about the latest hunt, go here: Tempe Art

To read the latest post about the Hunt, go here: The Hunt Continues

Some of James’ works:



No title found

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Deviant Art Data

There are more from this series of Star Trek parodies on CoilHouse, which in case you live in a hole, is one of the more awesome magazines on the net or in print. [Link to the article]

This episode in particular outlines my general feelings regarding the sort of “artworks” that seem to pop up in most any google image search.

I think the above two paragraphs are warning enough, proceed if you dare.

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The Tale of How

“Nine months of part time work gave birth to The Blackheart Gang’s acclaimed short film called, The Tale of How. The Tale of How is the second part of a trilogy of works called the Dodo Trilogy. It is to later be flanked by The Tale of Then and The Tale of When. The Dodo Trilogy, in turn, fits into a much greater work called, The Household”…

More on this amazing film series here

The Tale of How from Shy the Sun on Vimeo.

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Gone Postal

This post is dedicated to the brave men and women of the United States Postal Service, who come rain or shine, snow or volcanic eruption, will boldly and without question, engage anything made of cardboard or paper in mortal combat.

Their remarkable ability to bend or fold most anything, even cardboard tubes, without fear of “do not fold” stickers, is second to none in the known universe… and beyond!

But this year, they have gone above and beyond. Their astounding levels of daring and brazenness know absolutely no limits … as demonstrated by our moving experience of this summer past – wherein they not only managed to defend our home for weeks against our long-awaited priority packages, but completely and totally destroyed most everything they did not pilfer.

As tribute, I offer you this list of little known facts, tips, pointers regarding the USPS:

1) The only way to destroy Chuck Norris, is to ship him.

2) Need to turn rocks into gravel? Ship them! Why waste all that time and energy with the sledge hammer when you can have violent postal-monkeys do it for you?

*Trick: to save on postage – address the package, put a stamp on it, and drop it off at your local post office. Insufficient postage means it will come back to you, as long as it has no resale value. If not thoroughly broken, repeat.

3) Need a building destroyed? Put a shipping label on it! The USPS is unaccountable for terrorist acts, and are licensed to kill any and all who get in their way… even bears! one of those minor details that most tend to forget about – until it is too late anyway.

4) If you need diapers, fill a box with valuable things and ship it. Seriously – when we moved via the USPS, our box arrived minus an antique tomohawk, a canoptic jar, airbrush set, and gods only know what else. All these things turned into packages of diapers!!!

The postal monkey lady tried to explain this as “The box must have been too empty to ship safely, so they probably padded it to protect your things”.

… apparently the post office, despite their status as a “shipping service” – has absolutely no shipping paper, peanuts, or bubble wrap.

They do however have mountains and mountains of diapers… because they are just *that* hardcore!

To further ensure the protection of our valuables, they also removed them from the box completely – and have most likely stored them at N.O.R.A.D. for safe keeping.

Last year, after being amazed by their ability to fold the unfoldable, I began the practice of shipping most of my prints in reinforced heavy duty cardboard tubes, and hermetically vacuum-sealing the end caps (just in case the post office uses them in a log-rolling competition).

Since then, they have only managed to destroy one tubed package (folded), and three cardboard reinforced photo mailers; These I credit to the postmaster general – or perhaps one of his postmaster colonels, all of which are rumored to be able to fold steel girders, concrete pillars, time, space, and even my best-reinforced packaging.

Unfortunately, some of the printing services I use, still ship in outdated ‘box technology’ – so I end up with packages of damaged prints on my doorstep… oblong things which were once square… wrestled with and fornicated upon.

These I typically ship back for a refund, or file a claim for. In cases where the damage went un-noticed for weeks after receiving, however, Beth typically uses them in her craft projects. Otherwise I hold onto them for conventions – offering them as freebies or for cheap, or using them as display pieces for unwatched children-monkeys to chew on, and for contagion-ridden adult human-things to touch with their filthy human hands (though not necessarily in that order).

Recently, because of the sasquatch conspiracy, sales have been at an all-time low; Things were actually bad enough that I was starting to worry that perhaps people had found about my various crimes against humanity.

I was very, very relieved to find out that such was not the case, and more relieved to find that I can put the ‘barely damaged’, unnoticeably damaged pieces up for sale, and they vanish almost instantly.

… So this week, I think Beth and I will go through our damaged prints and set up a special section on for just these sort of things. If you would like to know when these offers are… offered, you can subscribe to the rss2 feed for my site, or go to the EttaDiem site and do the same.

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Regarding Templecon

Things have been a bit rough this past month, as I am sure they have been for most everyone.

I hate updating when I am in a negative mood, but I do need to say we won’t be at Templecon this year.

The event organizer has been nothing short of wonderful, and she has worked hard on making this what should be an incredible event. We would love to have gone, but things have been increasingly rough for us, as I am sure they have been for everyone.

It would be terribly irresponsible, if not completely self-destructive, for us to try to make this trip right now. There are car issues which we could not resolve in time, and the area hotels were all too expensive for our budget.

For those who are going. We are sad that we have to miss this chance to see you. It would have been so nice to meet you in person, and put some names to some faces, icons, and those interesting letters made from torn magazine covers.

This has been a terrible year for making plans. Though I would love to get out and be more social, I think the best path to take from here is to make no more plans until the white death is off the ground, and until things start to look more promising for all of us. Having been trapped here so long, with limited resources, I’ve taken to eating hapless humans – again; I have been told that the increase in nervous and slightly hostile energy makes me a bit difficult to be around right now.

For the next months, we will likely be focusing only on regional and local events.

Look for us to be on the road again in March or April – I think S.P.A.C.E might end up being our first haul of the year, but we are pulling for an appearance in NYC at a gallery T.B.A.

Again, sorry for our absense. We do hope to see you very soon.

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Slightly Damaged Prints for Sale – sold

I have a handful of prints that were damaged in shipping, not major damage – just some slight bending of the corners that makes them otherwise unsaleable.

2 [both sold] of which is a 20×10 metallic proof for the latest artwork, “Behold the Machine”. They are test runs, the white point is a bit wide – makes for a neat glow on the ice and fog, but not quite what I wanted. They also have 2 millimeters of corner crimping in their upper right corners – pretty much unnoticeable, especially if they are matted or mounted.

I am selling these for $7.50 each.

The other 2 [both sold] is a 16×20 metallic print of “Conception” (the mechanical dragonfly and mechanical nymph). Same deal – a very small crimp at the upper right corner. I am selling those for $15 each.

Shipping is $6 per order, priority- so if you buy two, you pay shipping only once.

The work I would put into making new listings, would negate the purpose of selling them – so, if you are interested, you will need to contact me through my contact form. I will edit this post when these prints are gone.

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My Manic

Video by the extremely talented and somewhat dark Laura Marling.

Her videos, her music speak to me in ways that are dangerous, beckoning me to be that beautifully, tragically human entity I was once addicted to being… a voice in the back of my head telling me how wonderful it might be to be depressed, to feel strongly about something or nothing… to exist.

Anger and frustration, silliness and humor, half-hearted at best, are time-efficient jaunts through temporary, fleeting states of being and self-awareness – defenses against the depression of my environment, all of those who seek to bring me down with them… towards time spent, time lost, on whimsical sentience or into the calling comfort of futility.

Remaining driven, powered, maintained through a necessary aversion to distractions of living – this moment of contemplation, all I have, all I am, perhaps all I will ever have been, as the clock ticks on in increments of dollars, deadlines, and fleeting opportunity – marked by an aging shell and the changing world.

Do I push myself so, to someday have time for being alive, or as a measure against it?

I am as repelled by this video, as I am drawn to its beauty.

… back to work.

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Michael Parkes

I have always thought of Michael Parkes as nothing short of amazing. He and Brom are at the top of my list as living artists are concerned.

Watching this video, I am seeing that I can take my works a bit further, shoot a bit higher; Well, I guess I always have that in mind, but currently I am thinking in specific new directions and contemplating new areas of focus.

I plan to get back into doing oils as soon as possible. I have that children’s book I need to work on now – but I think some new oils are what I’ll be working at in my “down-time”.

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Behold the Machine

Recently done for Vernian Process – the original painting is 48×24 inches in acrylic on birch panel.

The details are tiny, with a lot of single-hair brush work done.

There are polar bears the size of dimes, swirls and twirls the size of pin-heads, needle-thin ropes and lines, and a ton of details and hidden images hidden within hidden images – made so that its owner can find many, many new things throughout the years.

Artwork is never finished, only abandoned – though the prints are available now, the painting may see some additional work before I finally let go of it.

20×10 Metallic prints, and PRESALES on 12 from each of the giclees on canvas, giclees on Rag Paper, and Large Metallic Prints are available in the store. Though I hand-sign all limited edition prints, and hand-embellish my signature on all canvas giclees, only #s I, II and 1-10 of these limited editions will be hand-embellished.

Behold the Machine

Behold the Machine Behold the Machine Behold the Machine Behold the Machine

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A moment of your time please…

The Pickled Brothers includes my good friend Travis – sideshow freak extraordinaire.

Travis has been on Jay Leno in recent weeks for his world record-breaking bug-related feats, and has performed his acts at shows and conventions all over the country. Erik, the other Pickled brother, broke the world record for upside-down juggling last year. Both are fantastic people worthy of winning this years reward.

I might also mention that Travis is the type of friend who would drive 45 minutes or more to lend a circular saw.

Please, if you would, vote for him through the link below (No guarantees on him lending you his saw).

You can scroll past all other categories if cramped for time (you needn’t fill them all out).

Scroll down to: OUT AND ABOUT: Best comedy troupe

One vote per Ip, they are logging IP addresses.