I’ll be at this one, with Bethalynne Bajema, and Anthony Carpenter, and with art from James B Hunt and Chad Savage, as well as a large assortment of the best lowbrow and pop surrealist artists in Grand Rapids.
The event page is here: https://www.facebook.com/events/529928347047019 , but you can read the full description below. I still recommend adding yourself to the facebook event page to be in the know for new updates and additions.
Also, the pen and ink I did this flier from (and that I will be doing one of my paintings from, is available in my store, HERE.
Join us Saturday Night, February 16th – At Ice Cream Gallery and Toys In Grand Rapids, Michigan for Valentine’s Day Weekend Tiki Party, hosting a broad sampling of American Pop Surrealists, Pop Artists, and Lowbrow artists.
From sculptors to engravers to illustrators to painters and more – drawing from many styles and many genres… dark and brooding to light and whimsical – making for a very unique and interesting Tiki-Themed show at one of Grand Rapid’s newest and most interesting art venues.
Refreshments, snacks, dancing, live music, and art will be served – visit our facebook page for updates and more info.
James B Hunt (Visionary Lowbrow): http://nxoeed.tumblr.com/
Chad Savage (Dark Artist Extraordinaire): http://chadsavage.com/
Kirbi Fagan (Fine-art Illustrator): http://
Myke Amend (Dreamscapes in Paint and Engraving): http://mykeamend.com/
Bethalynne Bajema (Spooky and Ethereal Cheesecake): http://www.bajema.com/
Anthony Carpenter (Retro Chic and Pulp Genius): http://
Roger Scholz (Wicked Illustration): http://www.facebook.com/
Liz Amend (Fantastic and Otherworldly Sculpture): http://www.lizamend.com/
Alexandra Johnson (Sugar-Sweet Oils and Watercolors): http://www.facebook.com/
Kate Jauw (Magickal and Spiritual Art): http://www.facebook.com/
Kit Kat Von Bitch (extreme pin-striping, lowbrow, and signage): http://www.facebook.com/
Daniel Sarhad (Lowbrow Mad Scientist): http://www.facebook.com/