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New art! …by Bethalynne Bajema!

I am just finishing up that new work for Vernian Process. It has taken many many wonderful years off my life doing so in 24-hour shifts with single-hair brushes and many, many multiple molecule-thin ghostly layers placed carefully in high-detail atop a 48 inch by 24 inch birch wood panel.

Prints will be available – as soon as I scrape together the many hundreds it takes me for photographing, and color matching/proofing.

… which may take a little while longer as we are still gathering funds for paper and marker with which to write “Providence Rhode Island or Bust!” on, so we can spend less time standing by the highway and more time being abducted by cannibalistic hillbillies.

So, since I have nothing new of my own to share just this second:

Beth makes all manner of interesting things in her strange, unique, and wonderful ways.

Her unique combination of pencil, pen, and digital multimedia works come in hundreds of flavors, many of which taste like Cthulhu.

You can see more of her work, on her blog, which I designed much better than my blog… My blog gets replaced as soon as I can get rid of the google ads, which will happen as soon as I make up all the time they have uglied up my site count for something, in the form of a check hopefully.

Beth’s Site:

Outdated Teaser Photo of coming V/P painting:

Machine bears

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Originals on Sale Tonight

Beth and I need to stock up on prints, merchandise, and travelling expenses for Templecon in Providence, RI, where she and I will be guests of honor.

To celebrate a rather rough week, All originals are drastically reduced in price!

I suppose I need not mention this is a first-come, first serve deal, as there is only one of each.

The most drastically reduced are these three recent engravings on Ampersand Archival clayboard:

The view all originals on sale, click here

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A Fantastic Compilation CD

I have spent this past week hooked on the compilation CD that came with Issue 10 of TWF magazine, a magazine I bought erroneously for its featuring of Christian Death…

This, because I am terrible at recognizing faces, and he girl at the front really threw me off – especially since I do not follow the ‘Valor’ band, whatever they are called, I forget.

The magazine however, regardless is a fantastic magazine.

Its layout and design work are a bit rough, and very reminiscent of an old-school zine, though much bigger than the standard self-published rags (and of course it also has color). But good music mags, such as this are about the music, as they well should be.

Where the magazine really shines is in its content and coverage, wherein the music does not take a back seat to fashion and nifty trinkets; It is a fantastic mag for gothic music enthusiasts, even better with this amazingly well-conceived CD, which is my favorite part of the magazine and well-worth the purchase in its own.

This CD is quite possibly the best single-CD gothic compilation I have heard, period.

Featured in this CD are: Uninvited Guest, STandArt, ASP, Life’s Decay, that band with Valor in it, Place4Tears, Niceville, 1000 Voices, Zombie Girl, Jesus on Extasy, Volkmar, Christine Zuffery, All Living Fear, We.Got.This.Far., History of Guns, and Die Form.

Though there is plenty to love for EBM and synth-pop enthusiasts, my favorite tracks are of course those that best fit my traditional gothic, deathrock, dark cabaret, and neo-victorian tendencies – several of which I was introduced to through this CD (which I am incredibly beyond grateful for):

Uninvited Guest – You are your kingdom, ASP – How Far Would You Go?, Life’s Decay – Decense**, NiceVille – Endless Cigarette**, Jesus on Exstasy – Beloved Enemy, Christine Zuffery – Mon Chant de Sirene**, All Living Fear – Jessica, History of Guns – Drag On**, and Die Form – BWV 147-5, and *sigh* admittedly… That band with Valor in it – as much as I love the original Christian Death, it really is actually very good track, and they are actually a great band when not doing the Rozz Williams era stuff – which I still feel should be left to CD 1334.

(** denotes my four absolute favorite tracks)

I look forward to future releases from TWF Magazine, if only for their musical selection prowess.

TWF Magazine Cover
Magazine cover copyright TWF Magazine, Image copyright Christian Death

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… for lack of a better name, I don’t think it would actually crawl on its eyeball.

The unfinished product. Finished pics at my Flickr account.

This is my second clay sculpture ever. The third is light years beyond this one, and in the works.

What I am loving about sculpture is that I do not have to think too much on lighting, reflection, and shading – most of it is done of course by it being a 3-d object already, and I am finding that I can do this stuff well enough that making sculptures is much quicker than making sketches and designs to work from.

I had forgotten how much I liked sculpting.

When I was a kid, I must have split my thumb open about fifty times making a huge wooden dragon with 8 legs, 3 heads, 4 wings, feathered bodies and feathered wings and highly detailed features down to the pointy teeth and claws. I was actually always better at sculpting than I was drawing – and from the way the piece after this one is coming along, I think I can easily and quickly get there again… and this ceramic clay is much easier than wood.

This might soon become a part of my process for making paintings.

2. earth tones added

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Young Mad Scientist’s Building Blocks

Okay, I sort of wish I had kids by which to justify buying these.

But would I share?

“At Xylocopa, we know that the key to a successful education is to begin learning at a young age. Like many of you, we are concerned about the state of science education in the public school system, especially in the lower grades. Specifically, we have noticed that there is absolutely no training in the K-6 grades that prepares students to become mad scientists. In this competitive 21st-century world, the need for mad scientists will only increase, but the lack of basic education in primary school leaves us concerned that there will be no future students capable of leading in this illustrious field.

Fortunately, we have a solution – a first step, if you will, along the path to mad science proficiency. ” [read more at Xylocopa…]

[via Ectomo via Porphyre]

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Ever imagine what railway engines would be like if steam power had not been abandoned all those years ago?

…Well, British enthusiasts have gone above and beyond, creating this modern-day version of the former technology:

more on these two videos here