I’ve been working away 30 to 40 hour days to get my store up and running again and completely restocked. I can say that now, aside from t-shirts, comics, and a few other such things which really do not sell much at this venue anyway, everything current is stocked and I am good to go.
I am kicking this off by issuing a 10-percent off coupon. Use it as many times as you would like to through June 20th, share it with others. The coupon code is mxlplk just keep in mind that because of the way my cart handles coupons, the items will not be itemized in your paypal payment, just a total. Your purchase will however be recorded in the store, and in the email confirmation you receive from the store. So, don’t worry – I’ll know what you ordered.
There are also many new items available, as well as many old items which were never available before.

One of the most note-worthy new additions is a trio from a small series of small paintings called “smile”. The original paintings of the girl-thing, creepy plant, and psycho robot are not up for sale in the store