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Buy Your Place on the Silver Screen?

… in the credits at least – still, something well worth 2 dollars, or one pound… of… I suppose a pound of anything would do, as there are no specifications – but $2 is probably much, much cheaper to send than brass weights or stone wheels, and much more precise.

I saw Pirates of the Great Salt Lake do this the year before last – and had I the $500 right then, I would have bought myself one of the Executive Fan Club Producer Spots (where they also read your name aloud at some point during the movie).

Actually, this Pirate’s campaign is actually where I got the idea last month to put out that promotion for getting your name in the credits to my comic book (buy merchandise = get in credits).

Now, several kids from someplace that measures money in pounds, rather than monetary units, are planning on making a Jule’s Verne inspired movie based on Jule’s Verne’s “Clovis Dardentor”, a lesser-known work about travels, adventure, wealthy industrialists, and con artists.

You can buy a credit in this film here – proceeds going into the actual making of the movie. 

It seems they have managed a bit of work already (you can see their progress via their “News” page).