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All pages are drawn. I have two pages remaining to shade. Then I have to draw the cover, put the ads sections together, figure out what sort of extras I want to squeeze in there, add my credits and thank yous, and will probably need to write up a lot of legal clauses about “please do not try this” as well as statements regarding various parodies within.

It is really a shame I can’t use the middle through last pages as my preview – the thing with this being my first comic book is that my comic style is improving with leaps and bounds for both coloring and lineart as I go – making the overall art a bit inconsistent – but in a neat”I can actually see him getting better” sort of way. And the pages that leave me laughing, are of course the very last – making me already wantto go back and rewrite the entire thing, for the fifth time – but no, I won’t.

In some ways, I really dislike releasing or selling anything. the reason being that within a week or so of doing one thing, it is already far worse that what I am presently capable of… and not only have people seen it, but people have it, and other people are seeing it… if I want those works to be un-seen, well, there are a lot of large black trash bags involved by that point and it is really too much work anymore.

As you can tell, I have been up for a while – working 36 to 48 hour shifts with 6 hours between, for about three weeks now. So, before I say too much – here is an invisible picture of Ted Kopple with a rabid cat for a forehead.

And… thank you for reading, but please forget you ever saw this.