It is a little known fact that a line of Popes dating back to the Middle Ages have secretly indulged in Steampunk. The Vatican’s favourite pets are mad scientists, kept inventing in a basement. This hush-hush hobby of the Popes of times past and present has led to an astonishing Steampunk museum in the darkest corners of the Vatican. The Pope wears the only key for the museum under his robes, to be passed on to the next hat in line. This large crucifix from the museum has been attributed to the Knights Templar.
Steampunk Crucifix by Insectus (blog link), who, like Catherinette Rings, makes some pretty awesome jewelry. Dr. Insectus’ Etsy store can be found here: insectus.etsy.com
See also (below): Amazingly creepy and rustic looking “Beholder” (AD&D) tie-tack by Catherinette Rings (Etsy Link):
(I can’t wear jewelry. My blood is pure acid. But the things these two sellers create, make me really wish things were otherwise)