I did some live painting down at Ice Cream Gallery, and I did 4 new paintings in 2 days at Cinema Wasteland with a painting in my lap, a pallet balanced on my knee, and paint cup between my feet. Below are 3 of them.
I returned home inspired to reboot my old comic book, since I found that there was a good amount of enthusiasm for it at the horror convention, and because Bethalynne has always been trying to encourage me to get back on it.
I had abandoned the project a long time ago, not because I did not love doing it, but because it seemed the web didn’t like it much. It took no longer caring, for me to go and work on the site, and when I did I found that my “buy now” button had been broken since its very first launch… which makes it very hard to judge the enthusiasm of others on sales.
So, I updated very little… moved some boxes and bubbles around for better flow and easier reading… got rid of all the ads and extra credits inside the covers… prettied up the front cover just a touch, and everything else is pretty much the same. Crazy how ahead of its time it must have been that now it feels almost current.
Anyway, if you would like to read the comic, you can do so here: http://someghoulswanderbymistake.com/horrorcomic/
I have also added the new paintings to my store (page 9 has most of them, you can scroll back to see the others if you are interested).
Those links are here: